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Window Design and Home Decor Trends to Look Out for in 2024

As we step into 2024, the home design trends that have shaped the past few years are continuing to evolve, with exciting new shifts toward creating unique, comfortable, and inviting homes. Here are the top window and home design trends to watch out for in 2024 and how to execute them flawlessly with the help of Toms River Doors & Windows, a trusted name in New Jersey.

Black Window Frames for Moody Interior Design

Atmosphere remains a key element of home design in 2024. One of the simplest ways to achieve a sophisticated, moody interior is by opting for black window frames. These frames pair beautifully with deep jewel tones, such as emerald greens, navy blues, and rich maroons. Black window frames not only enhance the ambiance but also create a bold contrast that draws the eye and adds depth to any room. If your goal is to create a space that invites guests to linger and enjoy, this is a trend worth exploring.

Get in Touch With Nature

The biophilic trend, which gained momentum during the pandemic, continues to dominate the interior design scene in 2024. Bringing nature indoors through houseplants, natural materials, and earthy colors is a surefire way to make your home feel vibrant and alive. Consider incorporating multifold glass patio doors to seamlessly blend indoor and outdoor spaces, enhancing your home’s connection with nature. This trend is perfect for New Jersey homeowners who love the idea of a living, breathing home environment.

Embrace Maximalism with Art Deco Finishes

While minimalism still has its devotees, maximalism is on the rise. In a world where cozy and inviting spaces are highly valued, artful clutter and rich textures are making a strong comeback. The old Hollywood glam trend, characterized by opulent designs and luxurious finishes, complements this maximalist approach. Capture the essence of art deco by experimenting with diverse window shapes and pairing them with gold curtain rods or other ornate hardware. This trend allows you to manifest your most glamorous design fantasies.

Honor Your Home’s History with Vintage Design

Instead of completely overhauling your home, focus on preserving and celebrating its history. Research the architectural roots of your house and create a design plan that highlights its original features. For instance, Victorian-style homes with numerous angles are ideal for single- and double-hung windows, while craftsman and ranch-style houses pair well with bay and bow windows. Once you have your window design aligned with your home’s heritage, restore interior spaces using family heirlooms and vintage decor to achieve a cozy, nostalgic ambiance.

Soften Up with Curves

In 2024, sharp angles and harsh lines are giving way to softer, more organic shapes. This trend emphasizes comfort and elegance, both inside and out. Incorporate curves into your home’s design with round coffee tables, arched windows, and doors, or even wavy, retro-style mirrors. Consider statement pieces like sofas with high, arched backs, curvy candles, and light fixtures with glass globes. On the exterior, custom-shaped windows or cottage-style doors can add a charming touch to your home’s façade.

Get the Latest Window Design Trends with Toms River Doors & Windows

No matter which window design trends resonate with you, Toms River Doors & Windows can help you bring them to life. Their team of professionals will guide you in selecting and executing the latest window designs tailored to your New Jersey home. Request a consultation or visit a Toms River Doors & Windows showroom to get started on your next home improvement project. Embrace the trends of 2024 and transform your home into a haven of style and comfort.

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